Who We Are

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Thank you for your interest in learning more about our church!

We are a group of imperfect people trusting in a perfect Savior! When you gather with us, we hope you experience a hospitable community who seeks to point all people to Jesus. We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM for coffee and fellowship, followed by our worship service at 10:30. We also gather together mid-week in homes and coffee shops to live out this discipleship journey together. We would love to have you stop by!

If you have anymore questions, please contact us by phone, through our Facebook page, or by email at gracebrockport@gmail.com.


Our Story

GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH is an Independent, Bible Teaching Baptist Church. We are a mission-minded church supporting both home and foreign missionaries.

Locally, in 1967, a few people began praying together that God would bring about the formation of a Baptist Church in Brockport, NY; a Bible study group was formed. The Church began with a group of people meeting in a home, but soon moved to the Brockport YMCA building. God led the people to build our first building in 1971, and we have since added to that. God has richly blessed the ministry of our church in this area, and we praise Him for it.

We invite you to join us as we Worship together, as we build up one another and as we share the Gospel of Christ with others.


Though Grace is led by a team of elders, we do have a staff pastor. Pastor Guy currently serves in that role. He has a heart for the local church and desires for her to live out her identity in accordance with the biblical story.

He is married to his co-laborer in the gospel, Janelle and they have 3 beautiful boys. He received his pastoral training at Clarks Summit University, but received his greatest training in pastoring while apprenticing in the local church.

Statement of Faith

(Abbreviated - adopted June 2004)

We believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. We believe it is verbally inspired totally without error and is the only infallible rule for life and faith.

We believe that there is only one living and true God. He is the Sovereign Ruler of the universe but at the same time a personal God. He exists eternally in three distinct persons - Father, Son, and Spirit.

We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ; and that He has existed from all eternity and is co-equal with the Father and the Spirit. We believe that, in the Incarnation, He was born of a virgin and became perfect humanity and undiminished deity united in one person - the God-Man.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person, having all the attributes of deity and being co-equal with the Father and the Son. We believe that the Holy Spirit gives special abilities to believers in order to build up and strengthen the Church, but that "sign gifts" and "revelatory gifts" were given only till the completion of the Scriptures. "Service gifts" are today a vital part of church life.

We believe in the existence of personal spirit beings called angels, who were created before the creation of the world. We believe Satan was created a spirit being, but rebelled against God, and is the leader of other fallen angels. His activities include blinding unbelievers and trying to ensnare believers.

We accept the Genesis account of creation, believing that God created the heavens and the earth, including all life and specifically man, by direct immediate acts. We believe that man is unique in that he was created in God's Image.

We believe sin is most basically rebellion against God and defiance of His rightful authority over man. The result of sin is physical and spiritual death.

We believe that salvation is totally of grace through the mediatorial work of Jesus Christ. He, through His death and resurrection, paid the price for our sin and perfectly provided for our salvation. We believe that all who truly acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives and trust Him as their personal Savior are born from above and are eternally secure in Christ.

We believe both in the Universal Church and the local church. We believe that a local church is a congregation of immersed believers, united in their common relationship with Jesus Christ and committed to one another. We believe that there are two church ordinances: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. We also believe that there are two offices within the local church: elder [or overseer or pastor] and deacon.

We accept the Scriptural commands to separate from worldliness in our lives and also from false teaching and heresy by any individual or group.

We believe that there is a radical and essential difference between the righteous and the wicked, and that this distinction continues after death, as believers will be with the Lord in Glory and unbelievers will be eternally separated from God.

We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ to earth to establish his rule and reign.